Below is a number of videos that highlight some of the key environments of the TruIQ ecosystem.  You can choose to watch a full-featured presentation or a short snip-it, if you’re short on time.

Featured Presentations
Q-Club Presentations
Product Presentations
Income Presentations

An Introduction to TrūIQ
An overview of TrūIQ, its people, products, the Fusion Pay Plan and TrūQoin.

Short Versions:



An Introduction to Q-Clūb
An overview of Q-Club, what it offers and how you can benefit.

Short Versions:



An Introduction to the TrūIQ Pay Plan
An overview of TrūIQ’s Fusion pay plan, the Affiliate & Mentor’s bonus.

Short Versions:




An All-In-One Solution to TrūIQ’s Life-Changing Ecosystem. 
From protection, and training, to reward and support, Q-Club offers the every-day individual access to the exciting and ever-changing world of WEB3, cryptocurrency, and AI (just to name a few) technologies.  TruIQ® offers three levels of exclusive membership, each tailored to meet your needs.

Full Length Presentation (16:38)

Short Versions

Length: 3:39

This video is a shorter version of the feature-length video to to the left. The perfect elevator pitch for anyone at any time.

Length: 0:00

Coming Soon

Length: 0:00

Coming Soon

Product Presentations

100% Money Back  Guaranteed
TrūIQ® offers a family of 100% money-back guaranteed solutions to address your health, beauty and well-being. From our exclusive and privately grown -100% naturally grown hemp derived CBX4 to our collagen-infused CBX4 Body Lotion and skin-loving Silky Smooth, TrūIQ has a product to support your body’s needs.

An Introduction to TrūIQ’s Products (12:48)

Short Versions

Length: 17.50

TrūIQ’s® CBX4 hemp oil is 100% organic, hemp derived, THC Free and comes in three amazing blends, Original, Mellow Mint and Soft Cinnamon.
Visit page>>>

Length: 21:11

Silky Smooth enhances a youthful and radiant look by delivering a unique blend of rich nutrients from Rice Bran Oil and other natural ingredients.
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Length: 18:54

MYKRO’s formulation utilizes the latest breakthroughs in natural science, to turn your everyday activities into fat-burning exercise!
Visit page>>>

TruIQ’s® Fusion Pay Plan. Simply Amazing!

The First & Only Pay Plan to Seamlessly Fuse the World of Fiat and Crypto Currency.
First Order Bonus, TruPoints, Retail & Preferred Customer Credits, Affiliate Commissions, Group Volume & Rank Advancement Commissions, an Amazing Mentor Infinity Bonus, all FUSED in cooperation with a one-of-a-kind TruPoint Rewards Program, which rewards its’ Members unbelievable wealth through

An Introduction to TrūIQ’s Income (17:58)

Short Versions

Length: 0:00

Coming Soon

Length: 0:00

Coming Soon

Length: 0:00

Coming Soon

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Disclaimer: The information contained herein is for informational purposes only. Nothing herein shall be construed to be financial, legal or tax advice. The content in these presentations is solely for entertainment and educational purposes and is the opinions of the speaker who is not a licensed financial advisor or registered investment advisor. The speaker does not guarantee any particular outcome.