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TrūIQ® delivers unique solutions to health, wealth and a well-balanced life.
Our Independent Brand Partners Say

I’m am so excited to finally have a voice in a company that I work with. TruIQ’s “Member Drive” philosophy is giving everyone a chance to succeed!

Being a part of TruIQ and being able to offer their products to my patients has been a life changer, for me and for them.

“Being involved with TruIQ is changing my financial and physical life.”

“I love the energy, attitude and the opportunities that TruIQ is offering. Everyone needs to check this out.”
We Are The Opportunity You Have Been Waiting For
Get your share of the soon-to-be Multi-Billion dollar hemp industry. TruIQ is uniquely positioned to advance in the fast-past and rapidly growing hemp and cannabinoid industry. With a projected 50 Billion in sales by 2022, all you should be asking is, “How much of that is going to be mine?”
TruIQ Global CBX4
There are over 100 different kinds of cannabinoids in the Hemp plant. TrūIQ will continues to research, develop and produce products utilizing the best cannabinoid profiles, terpenes and flavonoids, all with the purpose to deliver our customers with the highest quality pharmacy grade solution for your targeted needs.